X8T Tourniquet Features
Trauma is a time-sensitive medical condition where every minute counts. When someone suffers a traumatic injury, every second that passes without treatment increases the risk of death. That’s why the X8T tourniquet is such an important innovation. The X8T was researched and developed by a team of medical and engineering experts, with input from soldiers, law enforcement officers, and other professionals who have experience with trauma. Combat application tourniquet use has been proven to be very effective, compared to regular surgical tourniquets.
The challenge they saw with traditional tourniquets is the time involved and the motor skills necessary during application. During trauma and under high stress, complex physical motor skills become less available and effective. The X8T addresses this problem with its patent-pending MED™ (Maximum Efficiency Dial™) Technology, which enables the tourniquet to be applied in eight seconds—a potentially life-saving difference.
So if you or someone you know is ever in a situation where minutes matter, don’t hesitate to reach for an X8T tourniquet. It could mean the difference between life and death. Below are the features of the X8T Tourniquet:
MED Technology
As mentioned, the X8T tourniquet’s MED technology enables it to be applied in eight seconds—a potentially life-saving difference. Because of its design, the X8T Tourniquet applies more pressure with fewer windlass turns. This is a big advantage over traditional tourniquets, which can be difficult to apply in high-stress situations.
The D-ring attached to the X8T Tourniquet makes it easier to pull on, especially when you are on the move. You no longer have to use both hands to pull the tourniquet tighter because you can easily pull the tourniquet tighter with one hand using the D-ring. This is a very helpful feature, especially if you are in a situation where you are injured and need to apply the tourniquet with one hand.
Quick Release Buckle
The X8T Tourniquet also has a quick-release buckle that makes it easy to remove the tourniquet when you need to. This is a very important feature because if you leave the tourniquet on for too long, it can cause tissue damage. Therefore, you need to be able to remove the tourniquet quickly and easily when the bleeding has stopped.
When To Use a Tourniquet?
Tourniquets are one of the most important medical devices that you can have in your first-aid kit. A tourniquet is a device that is used to stop the flow of blood from an extremity. Tourniquets are used when there is a life-threatening bleed that cannot be controlled with direct pressure.
Tourniquets should only be used as a last resort. Plus, tourniquets should only be applied if the bleeding is uncontrolled and direct pressure is not working. Tourniquets should never be removed once they have been applied. If a tourniquet is removed, the bleeding will start again and may lead to death.
Below are several scenarios where a tourniquet may be needed:
If complete limb amputation has occurred
If an arm or leg is bleeding so severely that direct pressure cannot control the bleeding
If an artery has been punctured and blood loss is severe
If a limb has been crushed and the blood flow cannot be controlled
If you have been shot in the arm or leg and the bleeding cannot be controlled
If you are a victim of a snake bite and the venom is causing uncontrolled bleeding
Once a tourniquet has been applied, it is important to seek medical help immediately. Tourniquets should only be left on for as long as absolutely necessary. Make sure that you know how to use one and keep one in your first-aid kit. Emergency tourniquets or even improvised tourniquets can help stop life-threatening bleeding effectively.